Get Familiar with the EagleWorks UI
EagleWorks is a specialized CAD/CAM software, cooperated with the EagleCAM laser controllers, for laser cutting and engraving. You can create simple shapes, import artworks, lay out, set and check technology, do laser processing, all in one piece of software.
The EagleWorks main user interface is shown as below.
You can switch the user interface language in the menu Help>Language.
Like all other CAD software, there is a big drawing window in the center. You can find the menu bar at the top, the status bar at the bottom, and some toolbars around the drawing window. There comes the CAM part on the right side, a set of panes which give you the technology and the settings of the current project, the job list, the machine settings of the current laser, laser positioning and jogging functions, a set of geometry transformation functions, and a laser panel at the bottom.
You can hide a UI element by unchecking the corresponding item in the menu View.
System Bar
The most commonly used functions for opening or importing files, saving, panning or zooming the view, etc, refer to Import Artworks and Panning and Zooming for more details. -
System Status Bar
Information of the drawing window, the current selection, the current operation, etc. -
Draw Bar
The tools for creating, editing shapes, texts and simple layout, refer to Create Simple Shapes for more details. -
Cut Property Bar
Edit geometry properties of shapes, refer to Transformations for more details. -
Arrange Bar
The functions for aligning and arranging shapes, refer to Transformations for more details. -
Color Bar
The colors represent the layers, and used for assigning different kinds of technology to shapes in your design, refer to Layers for more details. -
System Work Plat
A set of panes include information, settings and functions, we will cover them in more details later. -
Process Control Bar
Set up laser connections and control laser processing, refer to Set up Laser Connections and Laser Panel for more details.