
Sometimes, it is good to add some microjoints to prevent parts from falling out or hanging on while machining. The laser will be turned off automatically on microjoints which will not be cut.

Set Microjoints by Hand

Select the command MicroJoint in Home and then click on the contours to set microjoints.

Microjoint Settings

There will be a dialog, where you can set the length of microjoints, popping up when adding the first microjoint. And you can add more microjoints on the contours until press the Esc key or select the command Cancel MicroJoint in the context menu.

Set Microjoints by Hand

Microjoints appear as small gaps on contours which are still considered closed. If you are not happy with the microjoints and want to make a change or just delete them, select the contours and then select the command Clear MicroJoint in the pulldown-menu Home>Clear.

If there is only a single microjoint to add, you can just set a gap at the start position instead of using the more complex microjoint function, refer here for more information.

Set Microjoints Automatically

If you want to add several microjoints, especially on large contours, you can select the contours and then select the command Auto MicroJoint in the pulldown-menu Home>MicroJoint.

Auto MicroJoint Settings

In the pop-up dialog, choose how to set microjoints. If you choose By total umber, set the number of microjoints in the option Number; if you choose By intervals, then set the distance between each microjoint in the option Interval. Set the length of microjoints in the option Length. Choose to set microjoints on the selected contours or on all contours. Check the option Auto modify start point to MicroJoint if you want to change the start position to a microjoint.

Set Microjoints Automatically

In the example above, the software set three microjoints on the contour and change the start position to the microjoint on the right automatically.

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